TSE Power

UPS suppliers for emergency power

24/7 Support

You can never predict when disaster will strike, and your Critical Power System decides to cause issues or fail.  Our technical team is available 24/7, 365 days a year and is just a free phone call away if this was ever to happen to you. Our calls are answered by our own team of technical engineers who can provide initial diagnosis of faults and offer step by step assistance, including an on-site engineer if required.

Years of Experience

Established in 1990 TSE Power is privately owned and operated. We have 30 plus years of experience of supply, installation, and ongoing maintenance behind it. Our loyal client base increases each and every year. Our vision is to be the most trusted and reliable service provider within the critical power solutions market in the UK

Service Excellence

If you’re already a customer and have one of our maintenance plans, then you already know the peace of mind that this brings. Even if you are not a current client, TSE Power is still here to help. Our UPS call out and repair services are available on an ad-hoc basis and we’ll work with you to get you back up and running as soon as possible.


TSE Power can design, supply, install, commission and then maintain your Critical power systems whether that be UPS, Generator or Emergency life safety systems this includes emergency lighting and evacuation lift support. Our up to date knowledge of the cutting-edge technology emerging in the market today is to your advantage.

Products TSE Power can offer

TSE Power are able to offer you UPS, Generators, batteries, electrical switch gear, comms racks and power distribution, having a varied product selection we can combine the best solutions to work for you and your business.  

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